A downloadable game for Windows

In their younger days, Lestari and Satria lived in a town filled with orchids, blooming everywhere. As the town grew, houses and buildings replaced the orchids, leaving only the couple’s small garden as a sanctuary. As they aged, they struggled to maintain it, and after Satria passed away, Lestari was left alone with the remaining orchids. Before his death, Satria gifted her a black orchid, symbolizing the power of loves between the two. Now, with the black orchid also withering, Lestari dreams of the orchids returning to the town. 

Determined to help, Nara, her grandson, explores the town and finds a single orchid in an open field. When he touches it, he is transported back in time to when the field was a vibrant garden full of orchids. Confused but curious, he walks through the familiar yet different town and sees a younger Lestari holding the black orchid. The next day, Nara discovers he can travel back to the past, setting the stage for his quest to restore the town's lost beauty

This game is about exploration and minigames. Complete tasks given from NPCs to player. The tasks consist of minigames and other normal quest such as fetch or just talking, basically it's a daily activities.

For more information about our game, come check out here

Assets bought and downloaded from:

1. guttykreum.itch.io

2. kenney.itch.io

3. beamedeighth.itch.io

4. sonatina.itch.io

5. joegallagher.itch.io

6. not-jam.itch.io

Updated 4 days ago
Published 14 days ago
AuthorsKobam, mengz, red_blood999, MiLeonStudio
GenreRole Playing, Platformer
TagsTime Travel


127_GIGa Chad_Student_Black Orchid.zip 52 MB

Install instructions

Extract and play!


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What a cute exploration game, the plant animation is so fluid, and the "time travel" thing is pretty clever. Sadly when I talked to someone to play a minigame (Slam it!), I got stuck in the minigame and couldn't get out--I don't even know what to do in the minigame.

Thank you for your feedback. It's unfotunate that you got stuck on the minigame, since I can't finish the game on time. Maybe in the future we'll fix it and add more quests and minigames.